DAY 1. Introduction of Embedded Systems
DAY 2. Introduction to electronic componentsDAY 3. Different Types of Embedded Systems
DAY 4. E.S Development process and E.S applications. DAY 5. Features of E.S and Real-time examples. DAY 6. Different IC Technologies, Introduction to M.P and M.C.DAY 7. Differences Between M.P&M.C, Types of Controllers.DAY 8. Introduction to 8051, Block Diagram.DAY 9. Diff b/w 8051 family, features of 8051.DAY 10. Pin Description of 8051 M.C.DAY 11. Ram Memory Allocation, Addressing Modes.DAY 12. Introduction to Embedded Systems Tools(Keil & Proteus)DAY 13. Introduction to Languages(Binary, Assembly, C, Embedded C)DAY 14. Programs on I/O Ports(Led,Motor,Switch,Seven Segment)DAY15. Introduction to timers and counters TMOD & TCONDAY 16.Timer Programs On Keil & Proteus(Lab Work)DAY 17. Serial communication SBUF, SCONDAY 18. Serial Communication Programs on Keil & Proteus(Lab Work)DAY 19. Interrupts, Polling& Round robin Methods , Interrupts(IE,IP)DAY 20. Programming on interrupts( lab work)DAY 21. LCD Interfacing & ProgrammingDAY 22. LCD (Lab Work)DAY 23. Keypad Interfacing &ProgrammingDAY 24. Keypad (Lab Work)DAY 25. ADC Interfacing & ProgrammingDAY 26. ADC (Lab Work)DAY 27,28,29,30. Code Development For Basic Projects